All Points North 2019 - Karen and friend Charlie take on 900km over 3 days....Ten Checkpoints visited in any order all north of Sheffield
Last year a friend of mine asked if I wanted to partner her on an endurance event as she had not done any endurance riding and needed someone with some experience to get the she wanted to ride with me I hope...I (as per usual) said yes...then looked up what I had said yes too...
Next thought was - how the flippin eck can you fit 900km into three days...
Next thought was - better start training...and pulling my ultra body back into line...had quite a break so it was gonna take a bit training as now into my seems to be slower to recover than it used to be!!!!
But full steam ahead at christmas we went for our first bike pack together - not far - but it was mid winter and we needed to start at least!!! So we set off for Haworth YHA from Sheffield and back the next day...I (as per usual) chose a very hilly route - I seem to gravitate to these hill things...Charlie wasn’t that impressed!!! Plus we had big headwinds and heavyish bike packing bags as we wanted to make sure we were going to be warm!!! I did the ‘Bill Bryson’ thing of chucking half of Charlies kit out prior to the ride so she wasn’t taking the kitchen night Charlie...we don’t need full wash kit - she wasn’t impressed... But this was a learning process - how far could I get her to skimp on kit and how much could she take of me making her do it!!! Time would tell....
The ride was windy, hilly and rather longer than we anticipated - due to 20% hills...but we made it to Haworth and promptly decided we needed proseco to celebrate, seeing as it was xmas break after all... Charlie had to go buy that as I had no shoes with me - she hadn’t chucked everything out!!! Thank goodness!!!
Next day - the wind had got up more and changed direction, true to cycling wind we decided to head a flatter, faster way home...which was good reccying for the actual event - as we did use this route...
I then spent the rest of Xmas and January doing a lot of biking, upping my distances gradually. Hopey New Year Audax, at the beginning of january is 100km ( I have done this event for a few years now as a traditional start to the New year, but this time I did it again the day after the other way round. Then I said yes to a 200km Audax down near Tewksbury called Mr Pickwicks, I did this with a mate Roger and got back in time to go to a friends retirement party just down the road and danced all evening to help the leg recovery, next day was another 70km...I was gradually upping my distances and feeling great.
I rode a few times to my sisters and back which was about 150km each way...with wine and coctails on one weekend for her 50th Birthday
Charlie did the Hopey new Year Audax and then went back to Crit Racing - which kind of confused me as they are short distance - but then she is 15 years younger so probably needed less time to train...
I did a lot of riding in January (about 800km) as I knew I was away for most feb skiing. Whilst skiing I bashed my right quad and body a bit on a couple of accidents and spent quite a few weeks not walking properly and trying to get my re-alignment took a while but in the mean time caught some horrible virus where I couldn’t push myself and had to take some weeks off the bike to recover...8 weeks of slow riding (with no mojo...)or no riding later I started to panic...we needed to get my body back to riding again...I couldn’t push up hills at all, which was so unlike me... My Mojo had left the building...I was so MTB mates were trying to get my Mojo back but I just couldn’t...
Once I felt well enough to bike again, I had to start again, Back to 100km rides. So we decided to use a three day break we both had to drive and bike our whole route (we had been planning different sections of the route on the apps and computer to try and get the routes we thought were best). The plan was for one to ride whilst the other drives and checks out where to buy food and get water from or check out alternative routes to the one the biker was on)...we thought we would get about 400km each in over the three days but faffing takes a lot longer than just biking, swapping over and finding places to stay etc... we drove the first two sections then Charlie set off on her first biking section and we able to swap a couple of times...getting about 70km in each that day before we found a campsite, up early to a frozen tent and set off up to Scotland and headwinds, but at least we were biking... then we stayed at Charlie’s Step brothers and got more riding in after a night on wine with them...We managed to ride almost 300km each and come to a realisation that were we just not fit enough for this event!!!
So the next weekend was Easter and I needed to make sure my body could still be pushed and ride at night so I set off on an overnight jaunt to Flamborough Head and back. I changed the route quite a bit and found a less main road route round Rotherham and Doncaster and onto country lanes with deer, owls, rats running along next to me and kamakaze rabbits...the evening went very well with Charlie riding the first 35km with me ( I had set off at 7pm) to try and be same times as the event), it was lovely riding with my thoughts, a full moon and dry roads...until 1am when I had a puncture, it took a while to change as it was dark and cold by now...and I started to get a bit chilly but once back on the bike I thought I would warm up again...oh no...I got colder and colder...with no more clothing...I got so cold my hands and feet swelled up (not easy changing gears with fat fingers!!!). The colder I got the slower I got but no where was open to get into to warm I carried on into freezing fog patches as I got to the coastal areas...I took a photo at Flamborough and raced back to a garage I noticed had its lights on...unfortunately it had lights on but was only using the night pay slot so I wasn’t allowed in, I asked if I could buy a coffee from the machine but he said it wasn’t on yet - at this information and with uncontrollable shivers and it being 5.30am and all - I burst into tears...I couldn’t help just happened...the guy came out and opened the door and let me in and made me a suggery coffee and let me use the bathroom and stand under the heater...Poor guy then got me chatting for an hour while I warmed up...What a lovely guy...I set off again and an hour or so later another garage had opened so bought more coffee in there to warm up...I was still not able to cycle fast enough to keep warm... a few hours later I found Charlie (she had set off at 5.30am to meet me) and she was frozen too...we found a café and hugged a radiator for an hour, whilst all the other cyclists were in summer kit as warm as toast on a really baking hot day...I eventually warmed up and we carried on...stripping clothing off as it got hotter and hotter...When we rolled into Sheffield I decided I might as well ride home, seeing as I had ridden this far...I clocked up 360km...I was extremely pleased with myself...I could do it and I could survive cold!!! Charlie clocked up 260km too by riding back to her house after mine...both of us had achieved our longest rides yet...we were getting there... I then spent the next two days doing local rides to top my weekend up to 470km and a swim out at Slippery Stones to help the muscles...
After a fab weekend in Wales with mates roadying around Elan Valley as a recovery weekend - Devils Staircase 25% didn’t feel like a recovery hill!!! I decided I needed to go further before I could decide if I could actually start this the next bank holiday weekend I decided I needed to ride 600km...
I rode a flat route the first day from my house in three loops of out to Castleton, back to Hope, out to Edale and back to Hope and out to Kings Tree at the far end of the reservoirs and back, three of these loops made 200km - and about 1800m of not as flat as I thought!!! - The headwinds were nice!!! Kim and Tim came out to meet me but I was on a mission by then so carried on to get a good average pace...25km/hour...was happy with under 8 hours for that distance...
The next morning I woke up early to drive over to Charlie’s and we drove up to her step brothers and set off at 7.30am to ride to Scotland (from somewhere south of Durham near Guisborough)...
I was a tad tired after yesterday so Charlie lead out for the trip to Newcastle, then we found our pace was getting more even, then I started to feel great once we got to Keilder, where we spead along once we turned with the wind to clock up some good cups on strava and get back to our accommodation for a night in Bellingham, the local pub had a stone baked pizza truck outside so we had pizza and wine and bought more proseco for back at the room...we fell asleep before getting through that!!!
Monday we set off early to go back up to Keilder, with the deers and birds all in full flight and then back passed the accom and back to the car to clock up two days of 200km I felt great on day three and rode well and spend the whole day thinking - yep I can do this event now- I have done the training and I have survived the distances and I am ready...just need a few weeks wind down. My total was 600km and I felt great...phew...just normal riding for three weeks now...
Three weeks later - we stood at the start line - ready....
There was a lot of pro looking and fast cyclists...with a range of kit - some extremely lightweight, our packs were amougst the smallest, which pleased me, but we had opted to sleep in accommodation rather than bivi as the weather wasn’t promising - well it promised rain!!! Other packs looked rather over excessive and I couldn’t for the life of me work out what they would need extra...but I do like to travel light!!! When I can!!! Kit freak an all!!!
Tony, Sarah and Si from work came to wave us off along with Charlie’s Mum, Step Dad and her Boyfriend Steve... it was a great atmosphere with the pair of us on the front row...yikes!!!! Oh well... 8pm we pushed the first pedal....
A bit of carnage through the first few turns happened as we were all heading in different directions as it was free route choice after we biked out of Sheffield we all thinned out to eventually just the pair of us...we felt great and chatted quite a bit about how we still felt like it was just a training ride - we were off!!!
It took us 7 hours to get to Flamborough Head, CP1 (much better than my solo attempt a few weeks ago...) It was 3am.
We both felt like it was Flat Out to Flamborough with the wind behind us along all the flat country lanes and much warmer than we expected and the garage door was open to cyclists this time - he remembered me...said he’d seen some others too.... much needed coffee and a choc bars purchased here...breakfast of champions!!!
We then had a ride along the coast with a bit of main road and some off road sections ( I kept us on those longer than we had agreed to by mistake - oops. Then at one point Charlie had an ‘off’, luckily she took my rather brusque ‘get back on your bike’ tough love attitude in her stride and did get back on with ripped longs and a sore leg...Sorry Charlie but sometimes I am not very empathetic...think it worked though cos she soon loosened off and we got to Whitby CP2 at 7am and then set off up the main road to Guisborough, where we saw a van pulling in ahead of us and two work friends jumped out, they were at another event and had seen our tracker as they were driving up to another of their checkpoints, what a lovely surprise, big smiles all round, and a good cheer along as we went passed, that was a good moral boost...thank you Lee and Shelli.
Then we got to a local spar at about 11am and preceded to eat most of the food they had for sale, when Charlie’s step brother and wife turned up as they had been following our tracker too...was another lovely boost to moral before we set off up towards Newcastle.
The weather started to close in a bit as we neared Gateshead and the Angel of The North, we still had an ice-cream here in the pouring rain...cos we had been looking forward to up was a puncture a few miles later, still in the pouring rain, the bus stop was all broken glass so we asked a tyre centre if we could use there cover to change the tube but the pump broke when I was pumpimg it up...blew its gasket (hopefully not an omen to what could happen to us in the next few days!!!) The garage guys tried to get us to go to Halfords but we were not keen to go fully off route when one of them suddenly piped up that there was a bike shop over the we had missed that is beyond me and why had they not told us earlier!!!! Anyway at 4.50pm the owner was just on his way home as the boiler had broken at home, so I pleaded with him to sell me a new pump...he had an ace mini track pump on sale...I had cash...he was pleased...I was more pleased...the old one went in the bin and off we went...Happy!!!
We biked through Newcastle on their extremely well set out cycle paths and bus lanes to get to the Tyne and along to Hexham, before turning up north and up hill to Bellingham for a much needed chinese takeaway and a big shopping spree in the co-op for the next days supplies, then along to our accommodation and a shower and a sleep (41/2 hrs sleep)
So the light drizzle that was forecast seemed to be strong stair rod type rain...thanks Scotland!!! So rather bedraggled and wet through we reached CP3 Keilder Castle at about 7am and headed straight to the hand warmers in the toilets!!! More bedraggled soggy cyclists seemed to be here at the same time too...good to see them all...
We set off in the rain and wind into scotland then down on through to England again with downpours mixed with warm sun then downpours again...the wind was getting stronger as the day went on too...but after a much needed café stop - we decided to buy take away cos if we had sat inside we wouldn’t have got going was way too inviting!!! There was couple of riders inside looking toasty though....but we were determined to carry on regardless of wet revolting conditions...
Next up was the famous Great Dunn Fell climb up to a large golf ball on the top of it (CP4)...the hightest tarmac road in the UK with a steep old gradient this 8 km climb was gonna be tough - but we kept being told how dangerous it was too by all the other riders (all the riders going the opposite direction to us seemed to be here today!) So we braced ourselves for some strong winds on the top. Charlie was a little apprehensive but a bucket load of encouragment (in my ususal style of ‘tough it out’ encouragment - this is ace!!! Poor girl putting up with me and my positive view of shite days!!!) we eventually battled our way against 100km/hr gusts, blowing us off the road to the top...we had to lay the bikes down for fear of them blowing away!!! We took the photos and left abruptly but a few 100m on remembered we had not written the clue down we were supposed to I had to go back up!!!
Half way down this hill my wheels were really wobbly, so I stopped to check them but nothing seemed out of place or broken so we carried on...donning more clothing and jackets at the bottom as we were so cold and then headed to the next village and found a toilet block with hand warmers... I then realised why my bike was shaking so wasn’t the bike it was my whole body shivering - big shivers....enough to make the bike wobble!!! Nuts!!!
We warmed up enough to carry on along a flat section towards the next big climb of the day up to Tan Hill Inn(CP5)...more steep 20%ers and wind across the tops to get us up and then battle against it all again along the tops to go back down...but I was strangely really enjoying these battles...seems I still love hills, steep hills even after 580km’s....I was actually having a blast...I think it had quite a bit to do with me feeling so good we were catching other cyclists up and over taking and smiling with it....yay...poor Charlie probably wanted a little sit down somewhere but I was on a roll and luckily she could tuck in behind me...
The next section (after another stop at a garage to buy everything they had in there...) was lovely till we hit more hills that got steeper and steeper...I cannot for the life of me remember this section on the just ploughed on...keeping Charlie’s moral up with my tough love again...poor girl...but I couldn’t help the hills...they were there and we needed to get through them...eventually we found the flat road into Arnside...we found a chip shop on the road in...we hung out there for a bit warming up and chomping our way through a bucket of chips with cheese and mayo!!! Yuk...but tasted ace at the time!!! We made it to Arnside CP6 at 11pm, then turned round to head to a travel lodge on the M6, 10km away...we got there at 11.30, had a shower and went to sleep. But a big thank you goes out to the Travel Lodge receptionist who helped Charlie up the stairs with her bike :) Her knee was definately getting more painful...
We were back on the road at 4.30am via Costa Coffee to get us up the fells and over to Slaidburn (CP7) for 7am, where we bumped into two other pairs riders, one lot had found another travel lodge but the other two looked totally blown as they had slept in the forest....they needed a hug...should have given them a hug...they looked broken...poor guys...glad we plumped for accommodation...
We then sped off to Brimham Rocks just behind the lads from the other travel lodge, where as the Forest Sleeepers were off to Haworth first...that sounded wrong to us...but we would only know later when we all finished...(found out is was a bad choice from we saw them later and they finished a long time after us in the end...should have given them a hug...
A very hilly section later...more 20%ers...this pleased Charlie again...think her knees were complaining quite a lot now so it was just a case of keeping her going and getting some smiles from her...suspect inside her head she was probably screaming at me...but we soldiered on and
eventually rocked up at Brimham Rocks (CP8) in baking hot time for coffee and sausage roll...
Surely it is all down hill from here.....
Yeah Right - yep - more 20%ers...sorry Charlie - but they did mean we avoided a long uphill section on the A59 where I am sure we would have died...the bit we did have do on it was downhill, so was quicker, as it was horrendous, the worst road section I have ever ridden...very scarey...we got off it at the bottom of the hill and stopped to congratulate each other on surviving...I think Charlie then forgave me for the steep uphills to get to it, cos longer on there would not have been healthy!!!
The Bank Holiday traffic was out in force now though - the road through Keithley and on to Haworth was busy too but hey after the A59 we could cope with anything...then it started pouring again...we didn’t need more rain...but at least we were insight of the last check point before the finish in Sheffield...we were going to make it...
Rolling hills and down to Sheffield was what lay ahead for the last 75km into Sheffield. It was all big scary road riding but we had done it before and we were so up for it...we were both very pleased to be on the last leg even though it felt a bit of a slog...once we saw the first Sheffield sign though you couldn’t keep the smiles of our faces and the whoops coming out of our mouths...we were on it...and we were going to be inside the cut off of 72 hours...we felt fantastic...which made us ride faster and faster...then as we got to the bottom of the hill coming down the A61, Charlie took over the lead and lead us through the streets of her home town to Heeley and a short uphill to the finish...WOW...How happy were we..we walked into the Heelley Institute (CP10) to cheers and claps from all the other riders and volunteers...we had done it...we were 3rd pair in...only just over an hour behind first placed pair...we felt like superstars as we really thought we were going to be last...
Team 52 - 910km - 11,353m - 71hrs and 4mins
Bubbles, a curry and a mug...that is why we did it....
The Week After All Points North....
Tired but legs but no domms, infact they feel great...sore bits - seat bones rubbed raw....had to fight off getting a cold/chest infection (think Charlie’s didn’t get fought off)...had mid day sleeps and lots of sofa time...but I had eaten so much on the event that I didn’t feel hungry at all...very pleased with the way my body coped... Poor Charlie’s knees are still not happy...better not suggest any 20%ers for a while!!!
Will I do it again...I already thought I would before I finished!!! And then signed up for the pre event email for 2020...Solo next year or I find another event of similar riding to take on a different challenge...I wrote this down to remind me when I next sign up for something by just saying YES!!!!
I feel like I have no goal maybe my friends and family get to see me but I still want a goal...maybe one that takes over my life slightly less...
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